Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"The Most Wanted Paintings on the Web"


Today in class we discussed Komar & Melamid paintings.  On this website gives an online survery for populations in different countries on what people like to see in artwork or paintings.  The website then lists the most wanted and least wanted paintings from each surveyed country.

United States: Most Wanted Painting                     United States: Least Wanted Painting

We also dicussed Vija Celmins.  We watched an interesting documentary on her.  She is a "master of several mediums, oil paintings, charcol, and multiple printmaking processes...she has a highly attuned sense for organic detail." (pbs.org)  The picture to the below the artist has been working on for over a year, she isn't crazy about her artwork on it but something fascinates her about it to keep working on it.
This picture to the right is actual painting of rocks painted by Clemins.  I think this painting looks so real it looks like a photo of rocks rather than a painting.  Theres so much detail included in the painting through the use of color, you can even identify the type of surface on each rock whethe it is smooth or rough.  I think this painting was does extremely well.
(posted by Kaitlyn)

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