Thursday, September 9, 2010

What is art & how we respond to it?

On our frst day of class 9/7, we were introduced to a cartoon on youtube that depicted what art meant or what constitutues something as art.  It had a humorous twist on it by using animated talking animals to tell us what art  meant to them.  The cartoon made references to certain artists I had learned about in previous art classes.  Such as Andy Warhol's famous campbell soup artworks and Dali's surrealiam paintings:

"Campbell's Soup Can"

"The Persistence of Time"

                                                                                                                                                                               "The Fountain"
On 9/9 we looked at artwork by Marshall Duchamp.  Became famous from taking a urinal, placing it in a muesuem and naming it "The Fountain", which became a very influential piece.  I feel this piece of artwork is very strange and shocking yet unique.  It's amazing to see someone take something from everyday life and call it art.  Johnathan Jones compared to looking similar to the shape of Virgin Mary.  I feel this particular artwork allows people to form their own conclusions and interpretations since it is so rare and awkward.


(posted by Kaitlyn)

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