Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Are you an Identical Twin?

Today in class we learned about Damien Hirst's artwork on identical twins at Tate Modern.  He wanted to take on as many identical twins as possible, having them wear the same clothes, have the same haircut and style while both individuals do the same activity.  Whether it be standing, sitting, reading, talking, both identical twins needed to mirror what the other was doing.  Hirst idea to create this artwork was so show the strangeness of identical twins and the idea that even though they are identical, they are not exactly the same.  I think this is a very interesting piece of work to take on.  It's very odd but at the same time I'd really would have like to seen this artwork in person.  We also discussed Gillian Wearing, who took photographs of random individuals in the public holding up a sign of a phrase they wrote describng how they are feeling at that particular moment.  This is an extremely different type of artwork, I can't imagine someone coming up to me asking me if they could take my photo on the spot holding a sign of how I'm feeling.  It's interesting how Wearing is known to be such a private and shy person, yet she ask's random people she does not know on a day to day basis to photograph them.  I think this is a very unique and creative form of artwork.

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