Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why should someone collect art?

In the past decade or so many more people have started collecting art. These collectors have varying reasons as to why they collect it. In class we spoke of an older couple who had collected many pieces of art over the years because they liked what they bought. They gave it away to a museum later for no money whatsoever. Many people do collect the art because they enjoy it still today. My father collects Todd White's works because he enjoys looking at them and just likes them. Sure there is a monetary factor that comes into play but there is nothing set in stone. Collecting art for the money's sake is like playing the stocks, you just have to pick the right one and hope it doesn't blow up in your face. In my father's case, the price of his art has risen due to recent exposure of Todd White, but that could quickly change. I believe that people should buy and collect art because they like it, they enjoy looking at it, and they truly believe it will make them happy. The fact that people hire others to buy art for them at any cost and probably just store it somewhere without ever seeing it saddens me. Even if I do not like the piece of art in question, the new owner of the work of art should take the time to appreciate what they now have in their possession because that is what art is meant to have done to it, it is made so that people can look at it, discuss it, admirer it, or even hate it, which ever, it is not meant to be stored away never to be seen again.
(Posted by Sarah)

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