Thursday, November 18, 2010

Marcus Coates

Today in class we were introduced to a very strange performance artist, Marcus Coates.  The video we watched was of him represented animal noises while he wears strange outfits made out of animal furs.  The whole thing was just extremely awkward.  A group of people just stared at the screen and laughed or gawked at what was happening in front of them. The image above is a normal outfit that he would wear for one of his events. The women is simply staring at him in front of the elevator. If I had been her I am not sure what I would have done. There are three reacts I can think of. 1- Just staring at him and wonder what was going on and if he were insane. 2- Staring for a second and then laughing at what he was wearing. Or 3 (the most likely)- I would turn around and get out of there as quick as I could.
I am not sure as to what the motivation is to go see his performances. As we saw in the movie, he makes strange noises and kind of prances around the room or makes odd gestures. The deer's head allow  creeps me out. The eyes are open and it appears to be staring at you. I don't understand how someone could wear a dead animals body on them. I realize that by wearing actual fur we are in a sense wearing an animal's dead body but by no means do I see people walking around with a full animal suit, head included, making strange noises and movements in today's society. In the end, I believe that Marcus Coates is a very strange and awkward man and I do not think I will ever be one of those who go to see one of his performances.
(Posted by Sarah)

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