Thursday, September 23, 2010

Art Imitating or Not Imitating Life

Today in class we talke about Jeff Koons.  He is an American artist who works with a huge team of people.  He comes up with an idea and has his team create it.  Koons stated, "I'm basically the idea person. I'm not physically involved in the production. I don't have the necessary abilities, so I go to the top people...".  He isn't very skilled in drawing, sculpture or painting. (wikipedia)  Most people believe the factory they all work in takes away from the workload, but he believes it is neccessary in order to get the artwork accomplished. "He is  known for his reproductions of objects: such as balloon animals produced in stainless steel with mirror finish surfaces" (wikipedia).  I think his work is very interesting and intriging.  He tyrns everyday objects into art.  His work is also very precise, in the documentary we watched today, him and his team did a painting on popeye and the amount of detail and different color schemes that went into each section of the painting was amazing.  There was over 141 shades of one color dedicated to just the fist of popeye.  I think his work is very different from any other artist, he actually takes something from real life and turns it into a fascinating piece of art.

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