Monday, September 13, 2010

Reflection on the First Week

On the first day of class we watched a video informing us of what people thought art was. There were a variety of responses to the question, all ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other. It made me think, what is art really? I believe that art is in the eye of the beholder. I would say that this image is art indeed, but when most think of art this would not immediately come to mind. It's something new, unconventional and just overall cool. Imagine the time, effort, and just skill it takes to produce something like this, to make it appear that he is climbing a set of stairs that are not there.
       Many have wondered how something that seems so simple, simple enough even a child could draw/paint something very similar, could be considered art. While I do see the point in the argument that something as simple as Piet Mondrian's "Composition in black and white, with double lines" should not really be art because it is seemingly juvenile, maybe if they  took a step back the would see the art in the simplicity, in a world of chaos who really thinks and takes the time to create something so majestically clean and refreshing. it makes you stop at observe it for a second, even if only to criticize the lack of color, design, technique, or what have you, but it makes you stop nonetheless. This piece of art has an effect on people, whether it is a good effect or bad it does not matter.

    As I said before, art is in the eye of the beholder. We can't really define it because to one, art could be the painting by Velazquez called "Las Meninas", an intricate, portrait of an actual scene that actually happened, for one person but yet for another, art could be a child's simple, messy drawing of their family even though Dad would be 50 feet tall if it were actually draw to scale, Mom would only have four fingers on her right hand, and Spot the beloved dog would be tripping over his insanely long tail. The point I am trying to make is this, art is not really definable, the term not set in concrete ( though if it were that might just be art too) but art simply is and will continue to be until the end of time.
(Posted by Sarah)

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