Thursday, September 30, 2010

Purity Paintings

Today in class we learned about Michael Craig-Martin, who was a contemporary conceptual artist and painter.  I loved looking at his artwork in class today, his paintings were so bright and vivid in color which really attracts my eye.  I like how he stated in his documentary that he knows he's doing something wrong in his paitings if people cannot figure out what he is drawing right away.  His art reminds me of Andy Warhol in a sense that he uses very vivid bright bold colors which draws in the attention.  In a few articles I read about Martin, it stated he was influenced by a couple artist we had previously learned about, Marshall Duchamp and Damien Hirst.  "His first retrospective took place at in the Whitechapel Gallery
in London in 1989.  In 2006, the Irish Museum of Modern Artpresented “Michael Craig-Martin: Works 1964-2006” which included works from over 40 years of Craig-Martin’s career.  The exhibition showed around 50 paintings, sculptures, wall drawings, neon works and text pieces by the artist, covering everything from his sculptures to digital works". (wikipedia)
(posted by Kaitlyn)

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