Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is Art and What Consitutes Art Cont?

"Beauty is confusng to art, beauty does or doesn't make something art".

Today in class we looked at diferent images that were very grusome, graphic and brutal.

"Devil Devouring it's Children"

 "Judith Beheading Holofernes"

Both these paintings scream horror and pain to me.  Yet at the same time both represent a sort of beauty.  Our teacher stated, "beauty is shown in a way the imagery is depicted".  Here she is saying through the use of color, lighting, and shading of the painting, even through the picture itseld is grusome, the way it was done represents beauty.   We also looked at another artwork called "Piss Christ" which was very shocking.  It is a depiction of the crucifix drenched in the artist urine.  Very disturbing and gross to me yet is known to be a very famous artwork.  What beauty is to someone else may be very different from another person's perspective.  I think the artwork may come across very offensive to some who are of the Christian Religion.  I can see where controversary might arise over the artwork.  It's almost as if the artist is stating, "I piss on Christ", which most who are religious would find offensive.
                                                                                                                                       "Piss Christ"

To the left is known definition of art.  Yet everyone I believe has their own definition of what art is or what constitutes art as.  I feel art is anything that draws attention to your mind, anything you can feel emotionally and physically attracted to.  In order for it to be art to you, it has to grab your attention in order for you to have any interest towards it.  As we discussed in class I do not feel as though something has to appeal to beauty for it to be called art.  We looked at some pretty grusome paintings today that I did not see beauty in, yet I considered them to be art.  They all appealed to my eye and drew in my attention even though they didn't scream beauty to me.

(posted by Kaitlyn)

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