Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is ART?

        This week we addressed what art was again. However, this week we observed what can be considered the "darker side" of art. One piece in particular I had seen before, from having studied artists from Spain. Francisco Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son" is a grotesque and disturbing image of Satan eating his own child so that he can not overrule him. Although Goya did make some "normal", he had a period in which many of his painting were just disturbing, if not on the same grotesque level as "Saturn Devouring His Son". His other work that was featured in class was Goya's "El Tres De Mayo De 1808". It showcases the injustice and horror the Spaniards had to endure when the armies of Napoleon.

     We also viewed art that would be very controversial to many people. We looked at Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ". Many are offended by this and wonder how this is art. Even people who are not offended by it wonder how it could be considered art. As I have said before art in is the eye of the beholder. Although I may not agree that some of these things are art, it is not my place to say what is art, after all, all of these pieces do cause the viewer to turn their attentiveness toward them.
(Posted by Sarah)

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