Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Every Day Performance Art

We've all seen them. The people who paint themselves and their clothes in one color, normally gold or silver to look like a statue, and stand completely still. They are on street corners, parks, vacation spot, cities, pretty much any location that will have many people. Over the years I have seen many myself. One time, when I was in Florida, I saw something that looked like a statue and just kept walking. For some reason I looked back and all of the sudden it moved and scared me. I don't know why it scared me, probably because what I thought to be a stationary, inanimate object, was actually a living, breathing person. It always fascinates me to look at these people. I find myself wondering how on earth they could stay so perfectly still for such a long time. They don't move at all, don't blink, and don't even appear to breathe. These people must practice for hours to seem like a statue (I doubt that anyone could just randomly do this without training). This performance takes dedication, skill and the ultimate patience. Imagine how many distractions there are at the places they perform. There are people, dogs, noises, music, laughing, and who knows what else going on around them. I bet people even get up in their faces and try to make them react somehow. That part actually reminds me of the London Guards. They just stand there protecting their assigned place and do not move or react. I am perfectly ready to admit that this performance in and of itself is an art form.
(Posted by Sarah)

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