Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Installation Art Cont.

Today in class we continued to talk about installation art.  We discussed an interesting artwork by Chinese artists Ai Weiwie.  Weiwei and his team handpainted and sculpted 100 million tiny sunflower seeds, made out of porcelain.  I thought this was a very interesting artwork.  From watching the 14 minute documentary on it you can really see how tedious this job was, so much work was put into each sunflower seed.  People who visited the Turbine Hall to see this artwork were actually able to walk ontop of these seeds, pick them up and look at them in closer detail.  The artwork actually had to be closed down due to the dust coming from the sunflower seeds bothering guests.  Installtion art is very different from any other artwork I've been introduced to before.  It's extremely innovative and creative, and really cannot be copied by anyone else.  We also looked at another form of installtion art called "The Gates", which I've actually seen in person. 

"The Gates"

(Posted by Kaitlyn)

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