Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Thing from our past"

Today in class we discussed things we used to collect when we were younger.  This is the first class discussion where students were actually engaging in the conversation.  When I was younger I used to collect beenie babies and pogs.  Other students stated they used to collect business cards, American Girl Dolls, Baseball Cards and even barbies.  We went on to further discuss Judith Greer, who is an American art collector.  It's pretty interesting to see how much art Greeg acquired over the years she has been collecting.  Judith states, "For the passionate and dedicated individual, collecting is not just about the object. It is about the journey taken in finding".  This is interesting because it is evident most of her artworks have significant meaning on where they came from or how she came across them.  She even created a book called "Owning Art, The Contemporary Art Collector's Handbook", which gives guidance to those intersting in buying and collecting art.  Whether it be art or not, something you collect or use to collect must have had a major impact on you life.  It was obviously important to you at some point in your life.  Thinking back on it I believe I even still have some beenie babies that I really cherished at a younger age.  It's amazing to see the different trends we go throuugh as we grow up, but it's cool to look back on something we did in the past, which could be cosidered a type or art.

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