Monday, October 4, 2010

An Oak Tree?

 Michael Craig-Martin is a famous artist, the above is one of his works. This work is entitled "An Oak Tree". It begs the question, why? Many of Martin's works make one question why or how he thought to do this. He has many works that are based on color and everyday items you might see around your house like a glass, scissors, a hammer, sunglasses, shoes, a fan, etc. He said in one video that the same object can have a different meaning if it is on a different color. Michael Craig- Martin uses very bright and vivid colors in his work and often does not have the entire object filled. It has color in it but the outline of it is a different color than what is inside it.
    Martin also has a sculpture. At first glance at it in class I thought it was just picture if an outdoor setting with the outline of a fork simply draw onto it but, after staring at it for a while, I eventually realized that it is a three dimensional object. The only way I can really tell still is by looking at the slight dirt marks on the bottom of the sculpture.
     Michael Craig-Martin introduced a new way to create art and put his own spin on it as well. He has adapted to his surrounding decade after decade and still manages to be a prominent artist in the world.

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